
Christ Edu-care Centre

In God we trust

Principal Louisa Impasso
Principal Louisa Impasso

Press me to contact Louisa

27843 Bloom Way

Delft South


What is the reason behind your crèche's name?

I didn’t plan to start an ECD Centre, but God called me, through the people of my neighbourhood, to start it. Only through and with God's guidance, I started the Centre and hence the name.

What are you grateful for about your crèche?

That, from nothing, now already 15 years later, we are still going strong.


Make sure our ECD is a welcoming and safe environment for children to develop in the correct manner.


To provide a safe, happy, secure and stimulating environment for your child.

What extra services do you offer to the children of your crèche?

  • transport to and from the crèche
  • meals during crèche hours, but only when we get sponsored for it
  • an aftercare service for gr. 1-3 school children
  • school excursions

What are the most important needs/prayer requests regarding your crèche right now?

Please pray:

  • for more children to enrol in the crèche as well as for good teachers for the crèche.
  • for the repair and building work that needs to be done at the crèche.
  • that the crèche will continue to do God's work by establishing the word of God in the children who attend Christ Edu-care Centre.
  • that God will keep us as staff spiritually strong and faithful.
  • that our community will have a change in their hearts and minds towards the ways of God.
  • that God will guide and strengthen all the parents of the children at our crèche in spiritual warfare.
  • that God will provide finances to purchase the building from which the crèche operates.


Cell: 078 852 1673 / 081 851 7766

E-mail[email protected]

Hours: Mon. - Fri.     06:00 - 18:00

Lusanda Ntshisela (3mths-2yrs)
Lusanda Ntshisela (3mths-2yrs)
Phathiswa Nguthu (2-4yrs)
Phathiswa Nguthu (2-4yrs)
Monica Mabhurukwe (4-5yrs)
Monica Mabhurukwe (4-5yrs)
Tafadzwa Impasso (Gr R)
Tafadzwa Impasso (Gr R)

Parent Feedback

  • My name is Shirley Joseph, mother of Asher Joseph. I am happy with the services of Christ Edu-care Centre. The teachers and principal provide very good services and Asher is also very happy at this crèche and loves his teachers. He is excited when I take him to crèche. Keep it up with your nice services, Christ Edu-care Centre.
  • I, Victor K, had a very good experience with Christ Edu-care Centre since my first son was at the age of going to a crèche. When he had gone to Gr. R, my relation with the principal, Louisa, did not end there. Last year, I sent my second son to this crèche because of the good education given by them. Kids going there are well brought up and well mannered. It’ll be a bit sad when my last son will leave this crèche.