United Educare Centre

Press me to contact Nomasimphiwe
28957 Moutainash Way
Delft South
What is the reason behind your crèche's name?
To be united all the time.
What are you grateful for about your crèche?
Crèche is nice, clean and healthy
Our mission is to let our business grow and to serve the community that struggle. To see that the children get the best education needed. This will be done through effective training of education as often as possible.
To grow big as ECD Centre as time goes by.
Our goal is to be a successful business and have lots of children in our business. We hope our community will support us in our aim.
What extra services do you offer to the children of your crèche?
- meals (breakfast + lunch) 3 days a week
- an aftercare service for primary school children
- school excursions
What are the most important needs/prayer requests regarding your crèche right now?
Please pray:
- for funds/sponsors to fix the roof of the classroom so that it doesn’t leak anymore when it rains.
- that my crèche will be registered with the Dep. of Education.
Cell: 060 352 3518
E-mail: [email protected]
- Mon. - Thurs. 07:00 - 17:00
- Fri. 07:00 - 16:00

Parent Feedback
- My name is Nosiphe Dyani and I’m the parent of Lundanele (13mths) who attends United Educare Centre. My second child, who attended this crèche, is already in school in gr. 1. I’m happy about the way they do activities and the routine they follow at this crèche. My eldest child is doing good at school because she got a good foundation at United Educare Centre. I can recommend this crèche for any parent.
- My name is Nokuthula Mbinda. I’m the parent of Ngoza Mbinda who is attending United Educare Centre. He is a 4,5-year-old boy and started attending this crèche since he was 1 year old. He is my second child attending this crèche. My other child who attended this crèche, is already in gr. 5. I’m satisfied with this crèche and that is why I keep on sending all my children there. When my oldest child started school, he didn’t have a problem with the school work because he got a good foundation at United Educare Centre. I can recommend them to any parent.
- I’m Asivile’s mother and I want to tell you about United Educare Centre. I started to use this ECD in 2013. Asivile is the second child from my family to go to this crèche because I’m very happy with them. They give our children good knowledge and they take care of our children. Asivile asks me on weekends why I don’t send her to the crèche and starts to cry when I tell her that the crèche is closed on weekends. United Educare is very good for me and I’m so proud of them.